GS-Base is a database that can be used for various purposes thanks to its scalability: from creating photo albums to managing (transforming, splitting, merging, normalizing) large, multi-GB data sets.
GS-Base can be installed on any portable storage device and used without performing any registry modifications.
Fully offline - doesn't need internet connection.
- or -
Download and install GS-Base using
Winget, the Windows Package Manager:
winget show GS-Base
winget install GS-Base
Videos created on Intel Core i5-7500 @3.40GHz / 16GB RAM, HDD; CPU benchmark 8K [ vs 60K for Intel Core i9-13900K ]
Mass-(un)merging records from tables based on fields from CSV/text/xBase/xlsx/MySQL files.
Consolidating tables from multiple CSV/text/xBase/xlsx/MySQL files.
Finding file/photo/image/mp3/mp4 duplicates on disk(s)/in folders
using EXIF/mm tags; monitoring file changes/additions/deletions on disk(s).
Finding field(s) value duplicates, unique values, frequencies,
normalizing date/time strings (to ensure proper sorting).
(Using the 1.84GB yellow_tripdata.csv sample CSV from
Inserting and managing photos/images/files in GS-Base.
Loading photos and htm files from an entire folder as a new table in GS-Base.